The last time I counted the days was when I was pregnant with Matt. Now, my feet are itching to hit the beach and I find the days go by like, turtle-slow. I am counting the days when I and hubby will be on our scheduled "Just-You-And-Me" time. You know, just a couple of days each year to be with each other to make up for late and weekend work nights. And because we need it. (I think all couples should have it. No matter how long you've been together, there's still a lot to discover about one another.) Now I will save myself from whining about the late nights and weekends he's out on business call. And now I'm worried that this trip won't push through because he's been whining for weeks about that Gulliver of a LED TV that he likes.
Despite our busy schedules, we somehow manage to find a little time for each other. In fact, we stick to a 40-hour couple time a week. My husband is an absolute superman for being able to pull it off. He would be the one to get me off my lazy ass to our shopping dates, midweek grocery trips and like today, despite being on the night shift, he volunteered to come with me to do some errands.
Let's count some more.