Thursday, April 30, 2009

The World is Getting Flatter by the Minute

Magellan disproved this theory. But is it really? The internet made the world flat. We have digital tribes. Virtual real estate. It is a place where the sharing of information is not prejudiced, there is a future that dictates itself by real people with real lives. A second life. The trend is perpetually changing. Behind the text and the codes are people, real people working. I’ve come to realize that with what we see, the constant development of knowledge, collaboration and the effects on the economy. I am beginning to understand that this age, where we are, is unique and great. A good part of my day is spent with my virtual community, an intellectually simulating, fake, virtual world. I miss the days when I led a real life. I miss the days when the sun means it's day, and the moon means it's night.

I miss the days when the world is round.

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