I still can't believe three little people came out of me. Yes, from 3 microscopic sperm cells and 3 unsuspecting eggs borne these three little creatures who terrorize and torture me everyday. I still can't believe it. Even if next year I'll have grade schoolers and 6 years has passed since we found out we're pregnant. It's not so long ago that I was breastfeeding, making baby food in a blender, changing diapers, teaching them how to walk and talk. 6 years feel like a dream. Now they actually talk, walk and operate on very different agendas, and I'm left to keep up with it. They grow so fast. The years have slipped by like it's just yesterday that I have little toddlers and now I have little men who know how to reason and argue. So if you have infants and small babies treasure each moment, while you can. By tomorrow, they'll have grown up, yearning to seek their own worlds.

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