You might wonder how much Banapple pays me that I constantly whine about how I love their food and broadcast about me wanting something from Banapple and dragging friends my friends along. No, I don't get paid by Banapple or get free stuff. I think what got me hooked is the feeling that someone cooked for me, that the cook gets what kind I like, cooked it like how I like it. It gets a little boring and tiring to eat stuff that I cook, eating out is somewhat a relief.

Lasagna Roll-ups (Filled with cottage cheese and herbs) Ah, comfort food.

Blueberry muffin

Dig in!


I didn't get to take photos of the other stuff that we ate because we're busy eating! :D
Banapple is found at Katipunan (2 branches), Tomas Morato, Quezon City and Ayala Triangle, Makati

Lasagna Roll-ups (Filled with cottage cheese and herbs) Ah, comfort food.
Chicken Breast Parmigiano

Blueberry muffin

Dig in!


I didn't get to take photos of the other stuff that we ate because we're busy eating! :D
Banapple is found at Katipunan (2 branches), Tomas Morato, Quezon City and Ayala Triangle, Makati
i soooo love banapple!!!!