Friday, April 29, 2011

Is your life exciting?

What we mostly see on TV is the exciting, controversial, on-the-edge life of famous people. In truth, most of us live routine, ordinary lives. Do the usual, regular preoccupations. Enjoy momentary thrills of movie dates and reunions. We find comfort and security in such regularity. A simple, peaceful way of life. Yet deep down, we have that nagging feeling of dissatisfaction, a hunger to find the full extent of our capabilities. A desire to do something good. Or greater. Over time, we find ourselves thinking if we should be doing more. Then, reality kicks in and we got bills and mortgages to pay, we have sales quotas to fill, deadlines to meet, and a trillion other trivial things. You go about your work while imagining yourself to be floating in some random beach in the Philippines with emerald green waters and glistening, white sand. You power-dress when all your feet really want is a comfortable pair of flip flops. You eat a greasy takeaway when you wish you were having grilled seafood with eggplant and salted egg on the side. Yet you go on and on in doing it because that's what you set out in life for. To do something acceptable, meaningful and rewarding-- financially and in other ways. It's what will make your parents confident and proud about you. We feel safe planting seeds here and there, waiting for that bountiful harvest one day. These sacrifices is what will assure you that you can live comfortably till you're about 60. And when you're 60, when all the children have left, or you say goodbye to your job-- you'll finally get that grand vacation. But you have to do it with arthritis, hypertension or diabetes. But first, pray that you make it to 60. It is indeed trivial. But don't let all your decisions hinge on your quest for money.

Follow your heart – There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart … pursue those. – Author Unknown

This is why I encourage all of you (myself included) to pursue our passions. Never mind that it doesn't earn anything. You need to find what you love doing. Never mind that you don't take away any practical application. If you want to read for the rest of your life, do so. It's what will make you, YOU. If you like to fish, then fish. If it is what excites you. If you like to spend hours and hours on band sessions knowing your chances of fame and fortune is small, damn right do it. You got to keep your creative juices flowing. Just remember that any successful person follows his dreams and conquests responsibly. To live a well-rounded life, is to create balance, and not selfishly contain yourself to one thing, but rather generously give everyone a portion of the pie.

Now, the money part. There's gotta be a better way to have it than rob banks and wish on Chinese money trees, isn't there? Suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. check this one I don't know if it's a good suggestion or not to you


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