Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Major Behavior Modification Ongoing

I constantly remind myself to stay away from the bad stuff, even though I am in love with desserts. Rejecting desserts, and saying no to them, will be like a really bad breakup. Unless you're someone who like breakups. I am overweight, and I face that fact now. For example, if you were alcoholic, it would be stupid to drink when the alcohol is pretty much killing you. Pretty much the same case with obesity. Would you go near where everybody eats and there's food all over? Alas, I'm a broken woman, struggling to get away from my comfort, and facing the complexities of dieting. Apparently, saying NO is an essential part of dieting. 

Little by little, I have been making changes-- more of reprogramming changes-- in my life. I will truthfully admit that I occasionally give in-- out of impulse, out of habit-- especially in the company of friends and family. It's so easy to be happy with sharing food, chitchat and share stories over dinner or whatnot. It is easy to get lost on what I'm putting in my mouth when I am preoccupied with doing another thing. I am in the process of reprogramming my life. 

So far, I have learned to: 

1. Not cleaning up after my children's leftovers.
2. Keep the food stash out of sight. All the biscuits, cookies and treats we have, I put in a special box for the kids that I dare not touch.
3. Not cruise the refrigerator for its contents. 
4. Pace, and not rush with other people to finish my meal. 
5. Eat in smaller meals several times a day instead of three major meals, each in one sitting. 

I am working on: 

1. Finding a job that will not add up to my obesity. 
2. Be more outdoors, with nature where I move, sweat and all. Lesser time at the mall, where there's fast food at every twist and turn. I bet it won't help going to a fitness gym inside a mall, either?!
3. Making major meal replacement, substitution.. I am not into counting calories cos I think it's gonna drive me crazy. Instead I will focus on the quality of the food I take in. I think it's easy and idiot-proof to assume that all leafy veggies are great, potatoes and carrots not too much, fruits for vitamins, and ALL processed foods are bad. And cancerous.

Major overhaul. Sounds like a lot of work! :p
Shrimps-- my son can absolutely eat only this for the rest of his life.

Preparing a salad-- just to show you I'm serious. Hahaha.

My rice replacement

PS. I am glad typing in English makes it hard for me to jeje-talk. Like, Um so xcitd to typ lyk dis. I am so happy to be typing the right way. There used to be a time in the advent of my facebook usage that I did everything in lower case. 

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