Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bonding with my middle child

They say that I have a favorite son. And that son is Miguel. You see, of my three sons, Miguel is probably the most mischievous, the most expressive, sensitive, easily agitated and the trouble maker. He starts all the fights in the house with his Kuya and absolutely, definitely hates Matt. He has the temperament of the grumpy giant in Jack and the Beanstalk trapped inside his little body. We never had this problem with his Kuya so we needed to have a different approach with Miguel. As far as I can remember, the infant Marco was the best convenient baby to have ever, he was just all smiles, rarely cries, always pleasant, sweet and well-behaved. It was always smooth and easy. With Miguel, he throws a tantrum whenever and regardless of where we are. I know I shouldn't be labeling him or associating him with negative behavior but that's our experience so far. Each of my boys are different from one another. Yet Miguel is the sweetest, most generous loving little boy I have ever met. 

Me and E make sure we reserve a special time with our middle child, just creating memories of him and us without his brothers. We do the same for Marco and Matt. It's important to make each feel loved and secure and trusting. Moments like these are extra special because it's for them and them alone to cherish someday. This time, for Miguel, is lunch at Max's since I was craving for kare-kare and he likes sitaw. 

I'm approaching my 25th birthday and it's at this time of the year that I get a little dramatic. :)

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